Fueling Your Body Right: Exploring the Meaning of Diet

Fueling Your Body Right: Exploring the Meaning of Diet

What Is Diet?

Diet refers to the food and drink that is regularly consumed by individual or a group.During a  particular therapy or a disease or management of a particular health condition the diet may be controlled apart from health reasons, diet may be also led to contain or various  types, which can be classified based on the kind of food that are habitually or preferentially consumed. 

Types of Diet:

  1. Omnivorous diet
  2. Carnivorous diet
  3. Ketogenic diet
  4. Piscatorial diet
  5. Vegetarian diet
  6. Vegan diet
  7. Fruitarian diet
  8. Elimination diet
  9. Rachitic diet
  10. Basal diet
  11. Balanced diet
  12. High fiber diet
  13. Alkaline-ash diet
  14. Challenge diet
  15. Wilders diet
  16. High calorie diet
  17. Basic diet
  18. Sippy diet
  19. Purine-restricted diet
  20. Soft diet
  21. Minot-murphy diet
  22. Smooth diet
  23. Rice diet
  24. Subsistence diet

Carnivorous Diet: The CD is a restrictive diet that only includes meat,fish & other animal foods like egg & certain dairy products. It excluded all other foods,including fruits,vegetables, legumes, grains,nuts and seeds. But this kind of diet isn’t very effective & have several side effects. 

Ketogenic Diet: The ketogenic diet involves consuming a very low amount of carbohydrates and replacing them with fat to help your body burn fat for energy. Health benefits can be including weight loss and lowing your risk for certain disease. There are several versions of the ketogenic diet, including :

Standard Ketogenic Diet(SKD): 70% fat,20% protein and only 10% carbs.

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet(CKD): 5 ketogenic days followed by 2 high carb days.

Targeted ketogenic diet (TKD): This diet allows you to add carbs,around workouts.

High protein ketogenic diet: 60% fat, 35% protein and 5% carbs. (SKD can be suggest for short time.

Omnivorous diet: Type of diet wherein the organism derives energy and nutrients by feeding on both animals and plants. In fact the diet includes a wider range of food sources, such as fungi, algae and certain microorganisms that thrive on an omnivorous diet are called omnivores.

Piscatorial diet: Stay away from meat and poultry but they can eat fish and other seafood.

Vegetarian diet: It includes fruits, vegetables, dried beans and peas, grains, seeds and nuts. Instead all meat and animal products. Sometimes it includes dairy and eggs.

 Vegan diet: It includes fruits,vegetables, dried beans and peas,grains,seeds and nuts instead of all animal products. This kind of diet strictly prohibited all animal food source.

Fruitarian diet: The fruitarian diet is a highly restrictive vegan diet. It excludes all animal products, including dairy. People

following this program eat a diet consisting primarily of raw fruits. Vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, seeds can also be eaten moderate. Fruit  diet is not recommended because it carries malnourishment, anemia,fatigue,osteoporosis, PCOS.

Elimination diet: It is an eating plan that omits a food or group of foods believed to as a "food intolerance".

Rachitic diet: For rickets patient.

Basal diet: Basal diet refers to the diet having calorific value equal to production of basal heat and adequate essential nutrients in quantities to meet basic needs.

Balanced diet: Includes all types in a diet chart as per requirement.

High fiber diet: The academy of nutrition and dietetics recommended consuming about 25-35 grams of total fiber per day,with 10-15 grams from soluble fiber or 14 grams of fiber per 1000 calories. This can be accomplished by choosing 6 ounces of grains, 2.5 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit per day. Based on 2000calorie/day). For those over the age of 70 the recommendation for women 21gm and for men 30 gm fiber per day. 

Alkaline-ash diet: The diet is balancing body's PH level. It is possible to improve health eating acid producing foods such as red

meat gives rise to a PH balance that sets up for poor health.The idea is that a person can control the acidity or alkalinity of the

body through the foods they consumed. Approximately 80% of foods should be alkalizing and 20% can be acid forming. This kind of diet is not most recommended 

Challenge diet: There are 3 levels of 10 days' diet plan.

• 1st step - One healthy food whole day.

• 2nd step - 2 nutrient foods whole day.

•3rd step- Healthy & Nutritious food.

Wilder's diet: 6000-8000 kcal diet, Donetywild Boxer diet.

High calorie diet: Macronutrient ratio high.

 Low calorie diet: Macronutrient ratio low.

Kempner diet: A diet of rice, fruits and sugar plus vitamin and iron supplements to treat hypertension in 2000kcal 5gm of less fat

20gm protein, 150 mg of sodium

Basic diet: NFT Diet.

Sippy's diet: Sippy diet for treating peptic ulcers. To drink small amount of cream and milk every hour in order to neutralize

stomach acid and then increasing introduced soft bland foods with frequent meal times. For a while this diet sometimes works.

Purine restricted diet: Limit very high-purine food's including organ meats, such as liver, kidneys, sweetbreads and brain. Hig

uric acid and gout patients are treated with this diet.

 Soft diet: A soft food diet re fers to food that in soft in texture,low in fiber and easy to digest it also called low residue diet.

Gastric, jaundice, fever have treated with this type of diet.

Minot morphy diet: Basically it's a diet for anemia patients. Foods are enlisted to repair blood.

Smooth diet: The21 day smooth diet is a 3 weak diet plan that

involves replacing two meals per day with smoothies. The program claims to enhance immunity, boost energy levels, improve skin and gut health and increase weight loss quickly. This smoothie makes at

home with whole fruits and raw vegetables.

 Rice diet: The rice diet is a high carbohydrate, low fat, low protein diet to lose weight. The diet features calorie defied reduced sodium and mindfulness and may help some people lose weight and achieve better health.


i. Salt is an appetite stimulant and limiting it not only causes someone to lose water weight but also weight due to over eating.

ii. The diet limits saturated fats and instead includes fiber rich carbohydrates which helps to keep people full.

ii. It's easier to limit calories as the diet consists of low calorie foods.

1000 kcal -

► (65-70) % carb

(500-1000) mg of sodium

22 gm. of fat

5.5 gm. of saturated fat

(0-100) mg cholesterol

Subsistence diet: Food distribution according to the food security situation and focus the most important and necessary

nutrients for the community.

As per food texture and consistency there are

several types of diet.

1. Mediterranean diet: The diet is rich in heart healthy foods such as vegetables, fish, fruits, grains, olive oil and nuts.Consumption

of red meat is kept to a minimum and dairy is moderate and consists of high quality sources such as yogurt and chess.

2. Renal diet: A renal diet is carefully planned with special consideration of nutrients and it is  often adjusted as kidney disease progresses. A renal diet may serve the purpose of renal

dysfunction. If dialysis treatments are not being taken, the doctor may restrict protein intake of foods such as potatoes, tomatoes,oranges and bananas. A phosphorus restricted diet may limit the intake of milk & peas. Whole grain bread, cereals, coffee, tea,soda beverages.

3. Mechanical soft diet: This diet consists of soft in texture moderately low in fiber and processed by chopping, grinding,pureeing to be easier to chew. Ex - milk products, tender meat,mashed potatoes, tender fruits, vegetable & their juice.

4. Clear liquid diet: To leave little residue in the GI treat, the short term diet provides clear liquids that supply fluid and calorie

without residue. Before and after surgery, X-ray, CT scan etc. It includes tea, coffee., clear juice, gelatin and clear broth.

5. Full liquid diet: As a transition between clear liquid and a soft diet or regular diet this plan provides easily tolerated foods.

GI Soft Diet: This diet can serve as a transition between a full liquid and a regular diet by providing foods low in fiber and soft in

texture. Most raw fruits and vegetable, nuts, seeds, breads cereals are avoided. Milk, lean meats, fish, potatoes, white bread are

are served.

7. Low residue diet: Fiber free diet.

8. Salt restricted or sodium diet: For hypertension patients.

9. Fat restricted diet: For gastrointestinal disorder, obesity patients. 

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